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Showing posts from August, 2019

Why EEE??

An electrical engineer is someone who designs and develops new electrical systems, solves problems and tests equipment. They study and apply the physics and mathematics of electricity, electromagnetism and electronics to both large and small scale systems to process information and transmit energy. We generate, transmit, distribute!  The top  recruiters  that require the electrical & electronics engineers whenever: BHEL NSPCL Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd BALCO SAIL NTPC Durgapur steel plant ISRO OMEGA Elevator CONE Elevator ALSTOM India Power project Everest Industry The  job profiles  in the field of electrical and electronics engineering are as the following: Control and instrumentation engineer Electrical engineer Broadcast engineer Manufacturing systems engineer Systems analyst Electronics engineer IT consultant Systems developer Network engineer We were the past, we are the present and we will be the future! What is this ...

13 reasons why my bestfriends are the best

1.My best friends are like fairy tales, they've been there since once upon a time and will be there until forever after. I can surely say they know me better than anyone else including me 2.Each person has a friend at each stage of life but I'm so lucky that I still have the same idiots I met at my school, priceless isn't it? 3. They believe in you when you stop believing in yourself, no matter what, you know they are always there unlike everyone who judges you 4. They are the reason behind my smiles, laughter and whatnot! They are the first people who come to my mind good or bad the issue is 5 They are blessings in disguise, they handle all my pointless drama and what else do I need after a  hectic day apart from talking to those people ? 6 They are my human diaries, my superheroes, Having someone who can understand you just by your eye contact,bliss I say, pure bliss 7 They tell your mistakes on your face, support you in all walks of your life, I have a shoulder to ...