Mediocrity, the word means the quality of being average or ordinary. Such a person of this middle-level of success can also be called a mediocre. I would like to share why most of the people stay as mediocres according to Anthony Moore. It's so foolish how people are afraid of doing things fearing failure, Most of them are not willing to fail, but there's something very important that failures are stepping stones of success and it's okay to commit mistakes while trying to achieve great things. According to Thomas J Watson, the real formula of success is doubling your failure because that is how you learn. Failure let's you accelerate your growth, develop your character , brings humility. The mediocre majority usually doesn't value learning. But it's always learning new things which will make you reach heights of success. No one is actually ready for anything unless you feel you can acquire it so every person should believe they can succeed and tell the...