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Showing posts from January, 2024

"What a year can do to you ?"

Growing up I have always wondered, what would just a change in the date at the year end do to anyone's life? Why do people give so much significance to 31st Night, is it just not ordinary like all other days? Reflecting upon these thoughts now, I understand the partition between these two days is not just about the days but about perspectives, experiences and learnings! It's about " How much a year can transform you "  It is special because today you sit back and recall everything the year has done to you and you have done to the year, Good days or bad days at the end are 'days' and 'you' have lived through each and every day, you had the strength to fight your battles and made it through 365 days , all this might feel very simple when you are at it but today when you look at the time frame of the year you celebrate that, you celebrate life, you celebrate those good and bad days and pat yourself for 'Living'.  You now know the mistakes you hav...