Cyber crime is any illegal or unethical activity through internet or using computer as a tool. Basically it's stealing one's data.
¤ It's creating, selling broken,untested software which is no less than committing a crime.
// Every account you create, Every transaction you make, Every email you communicate Hackers are watching you! //
Financial fraud, identity theft are the most common type of cyber crimes but there are other types like hacking, D.O.S(denial of service), Cyber terrorism, Cyber extortion, Cyber warfare, Phishing, False flagging
Here are some recent examples of cyber crime:
~ This massive hack of Yahoo's email system gets an honorable mention because it actually happened way back in 2013 — but the severity of it, with all 3 billion Yahoo email addresses affected, only became clear in October 2017
~Petya was just another piece of ransomware when it started circulating via phishing spam in 2016; its main claim to fame was that it encrypted the master boot record of infected machines, making it devilishly difficult for users to get access to their files.
~WannaCry was a ransomware attack that spread rapidly in May of 2017. Like all ransomware, it took over infected computers and encrypted the contents of their hard drives, then demanded a payment in Bitcoin in order to decrypt them. The malware took particular root in computers at facilities run by the United Kingdom's NHS.
Most of us are of the opinion cyber crime is only hacking your financial data, but no! It is lot more than that
Historically, these crimes were committed by lone wolves. Nowadays, however, cybercrime is a booming industry comprised of criminal enterprises, organized hacker syndicates, hacktivists, and nation-state actors.
Cyber crime prevention is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Organizations of different sizes have different needs, threats, risk tolerances, vulnerabilities, and capabilities.
|| Here are some ways to prevent them ||
1. Have full service internet security
2. Have strong passwords
3. Keep your software updated
4. Detect malwares, traujans
5. Avoid revealing your personal information on social media
6. Develop, implement, and enforce security policies
7. Implement email security solutions and phishing simulations
8.Regularly assess and test your systems
9.Implement digital & physical security methods
10. Last but not the least try to spread awareness among people and impose strict laws and punishments against this crime
It's a fact to be accepted that we can't completely prevent this crime but we have to take precautions to protect ourselves against it.
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